New Wynn Chapel
Missionary Baptist Church
191 Package Craft Rd
Bethel, NC 27812
Phone (252) 825-1311
About Us
In 1989, the Lord gave the people (the flock) a pastor according to his own heart, the Reverend James T. Lindsey, Sr., and commissioned him to lead his people at Wynn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Lindsey preached and taught the word of God with the Spirit of the Almighty God. The people flocked to hear this man of God expound upon the Scriptures. Our congregation (membership) outgrew our sanctuary.
On Saturday, October 18, 1997, we had our groundbreaking ceremony. Sunday, May 24, 1998, we had our first worship service in our new sanctuary, renamed New Wynn Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. On June 14, 1998, we dedicated our new sanctuary to God, the giver of all good and perfect gifts.
Other blessings surfaced under the leadership of Pastor Lindsey. He has such a great anointing for preaching and teaching that he has helped birth and train more than ten ministers: Rev. Russell Roberson, now a pastor in another ministry and Rev. Kenneth Grimes, who has gone on to be with the Lord. Other present ministers at New Wynn Chapel are Rev. Peggy Carr, Rev. Loretta Hudson, Rev. Calvin Grimes, Rev. Roy Moody, Min. Denise Brown, Min. Lindsey, Min. Jerry Dixon, and Min. Joanne Palmer.